Week 1 Project Update

Katherine Hinz
2 min readDec 28, 2020


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

This month, I will be working to improve marketing and customer success for a small business called Double J Designs. Feel free to click around and see a full overview of my project here.

Each week this month I will be providing you with updates on my progress. These updates will include: what I completed, what I learned, and a brief overview of what to expect for next week’s update.

The first week of this month was centered around deciding on a project idea and creating a plan. This week was about making sure that I would be set up for success for this project.

Here is What I Accomplished This Week:

  • I created a project outline for my portfolio project. You can view that outline here.
  • I created a project organization system using Trello and Google Calendar.
  • I created my project landing page draft that I’ll continue to update throughout the duration of the month.

What I Learned:

  • How to turn an idea into a plan that will produce real, tangible portfolio work

What to Expect for Next Week:

  • I will create a logo for the business I am working for using Canva.
  • I will design business cards for the business owner using Vistaprint.
  • I will finish the first draft of the website I will create using WordPress.
  • I will make note of the business’ internet presence at the beginning of the month.
  • I will publish a blog post about why you should support small businesses this holiday season.
  • I will create an Etsy account to help expand the potential customer pool of Double J Designs.

I am excited for you to follow me and my progress over the next three weeks!



Katherine Hinz

My goal in life is that at the end, I can say I lived it to the fullest! I am constantly looking to learn, experience and explore new things that’ll grow me.